Production began on Saturday, September 30, 2006 on "Under the Raven's Wing" - a Blue Eyed Productions film, written and directed by Susan Adriensen, produced by Susan Adriensen, Brian Jude, Rachel Gordon, co-producer Sophia Eptamenitis and associate producer Jeremiah Kipp. This "psuedo-documentary" is about a young filmmaker who documents the murder confessions of three young women who seduce him into their strange world of spiritual "dimensions" and "transcendence." The ring leader, Raven, holds everyone in her psychological grip, until her secret is exposed and a power struggle ensues. The film stars Coy DeLuca as "The Director (Colin)," Kimberly Amato as the manipulating Raven, Kamilla Sofie Sadekova as the rebellious Angel, and Jessica Pallatte as the impressionable Jessie. Cameos by Susan Adriensen, Sophia Eptamenitis and Melanie Canter. Check out the cast interviews on the Under the Raven's Wing MySpace Page! More to be revealed... |